Wednesday, February 11, 2009


ah...sunny, 55 degrees...feels like 70!...what a respite...still ice on the Charles

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

last weekend

a lazy evening at the Cellar...
sadly, City Hall's lawyers have fatigued him into conceding defeat, although the law was on his least a couple new bookshops are gracing Cambridge...just no book peddlar...
mmm...grabbed some provisions of cheese, meat, beer & wine @ Formaggio.....

packed to the rafters Independent friday room to wiggle even if ya wanted to get down...that is, until Lane showed with his work crew. Good soulful night....


my glamour

Another great get-together hosted by party-master Haik...a French perfume ad-themed party.
Not all adorned themselves as such, but Skye & I tried our best....dark shots, sorry....


New England style refrigeration-fresh snow from outside...

blurry, hazy deep-fried jalapeno crew

well, no Pats, but there's still parties & those interested enough to watch. Seth & Joy hosted a grand shindig at their place...lotsa great food including deep-fried peppers, onion rings, meats-all done up in the kitchen. Good beer. Good cheer!

about town....

...Burns Too....

sadly a dismal provision on our trying to be on time to Michaela's Burns Supper/birthday fete, we tried every package store from Davis to Forest Hills for the right scotch. They were sold out or had no parking...we ended up grabbing a 12 pack of Newcastle (almost Scotland!) at the Paki-Packy at her street's end...Lotsa haggis & scotch later....mmmmm....then sleep....

ach, Burns! Burns, ach!

would Burns be proud? pretentious? pee-tentious?...welcome to Cambridge....heh

Pete & Beth hosted a fine celebration of Robert Burn's (as well as Pete's) birthday complete with delicious food, beer & of course, scotch...